NOTE: EARTH Yoga has moved to Lafayette, at the corner of 95th and Arapahoe, between Morning Glory and 95a Bistro
Chanting is a practice which guides the mind to rest and opens the heart. In this class we build on these benefits by bringing a gentle focus to emotional well-being. We begin by settling in to our postures and connecting to our inner self with a guided emotion contemplation. The intention for our chant is to allow stuck feelings to arise with our inhale and release into the exhale of the sound. We prepare our voices with a simple warm-up exercise and explore the meaning and pronunciation of the words. The chant is in a "call and response” style accompanied by live harmonium music and finishes with a short peaceful meditation.
No experience required, all voices and hearts welcome.
Cost: Earth Yoga class pass or $10
Facebook event page:
No pre-registration - just show up! Plenty of bolsters, mats, blankets are available for your use.